Who Wins in a Price War?

Within the last year, many industries experienced drastic pricing pressures in response to rapidly shifting buying patterns that left many markets with excess capacity (think of airline seats and hotel rooms during the pandemic when travel evaporated). If you happened to travel and needed a hotel room during that time, you likely experienced some of…

Who Wins in a Price War?

Who Wins in a Price War?

What is a price war? A price war is when one supplier (usually) believes they can secure more market share by lowering their price.  “If we cut our prices, we can drive up our sales volume,” these companies’ leaders say.  The war happens when competitors lower their prices in an effort not to cede market…

You Have the Wrong Number! Strategic Differentiation is at Risk

Some businesses have more measurements, controls, and processes than NASA.  Others have virtually none.  In my 30 years’ experience working very closely with hundreds of companies of all sizes, I have seen only a handful with metrics that are aligned with the highest buying criteria of their customers and prospects.  Strategic differentiation depends on having…

Sustainable Competitive Advantage, is it possible today?

There is a long running discussion regarding sustainable competitive advantage. In particular, is a sustainable competitive advantage in today’s world of mass communication, electronics and AI even possible? Decades ago we were taught that you must have a sustainable competitive advantage to succeed. Books like In Search of Excellence, Good to Great and Built to…

Simple Solution to a Big Problem

If you are a frequent reader of our newsletters, you know we are passionate about companies identifying and communicating their competitive advantages.  We have gone into detail about how important it is to “validate” your claims.  It is simply not enough to show “98% documentation accuracy,” or “97.6% on time delivery,” without supporting evidence.  Sometimes…