Keynote Speaking Schedule for Smart Advantage CEO Jaynie L. Smith Increases Well into 2010

Companies across the nation have taken full advantage of booking Jaynie L. Smith as a keynote speaker, consultant, and a corporate workshop host for 2010. Jaynie and her consulting firm, Smart Advantage, Inc., assist organizations in identifying and implementing a proprietary competitive advantage process. The strategies executed are central to Jaynie’s best-selling business book, Creating Competitive Advantage.

Jaynie L. Smith’s Book, Creating Competitive Advantage, is the Talk of Business Professionals’ Blogs

Though Creating Competitive Advantage originally published in 2006, it recently had its 9th printing, proving it to be timeless. Even Business Blogs have picked up on how valuable the book is, and have noted it as providing understandable imperatives for organizations seeking to discover where they rise above their competition.

Bottom Line Magazine: Build Your Business in Bad Times – Without Slashing Prices

Business people often feel forced to lower their prices when the economy struggles or risk losing their increasingly cost-conscious customers. Fortunately, most customers do not make their buying decisions based primarily on price, even during recessions. They make their decisions based on value. To thrive in times such as these, you must convince customers and prospects that your company offers the best value, even if you do charge a slightly higher price. Here’s how…

Affluent Magazine: Attracting and Retaining Good Salespeople: It’s Not About Them, It’s About the Company

I speak to CEO and executive groups nationwide and am continually told that their sales managers complain the sales staff wants them to “lower the price” so they can sell more. That is a common cry. However, when a company creates, measures and maintains strong competitive advantages that are most valued by the customer, that company will attract the very best salespeople and customers. It starts with strategic decisions and operational changes that make a difference.

Affluent Magazine: The Lost Discipline: It affects your sales and profitability daily

There is a very serious lost discipline in most companies today. Many have wandered away from concerning themselves with competitive advantage and its impact on their bottom line. Sales people are struggling to compete on anything but price. Some have simply lost touch with what is and what is not a competitive advantage.