3 Methods to Replace Overused Clichés in Your Marketing Message

Let’s look at some of the biggest and most overused clichés in  marketing: “quality, value and service.” These are used far too often in marketing messages for all kinds of companies. It gets to the point where the messages and even the words themselves can become interchangeable. The next three marketing taglines are just ones I made up on…

What business are you “really” in? Define your Competitive Advantage.

When trying to create competitive advantage, many companies fall into a familiar trap – they allow themselves to be defined by the limitations and assumptions of “the business that they’re in.” For example, consider the soft drink industry – Coca-Cola, Pepsi and other smaller regional brands. This industry is faced with growing media scrutiny and public…

Auto Insurance Competitive Advantage of Progressive

While touting a rather irresistable competitive advantage message, Progressive impels consumers to take control of their insurance prices with a strong marketing message. FLO: Hi, may I help you? Customer: Yeah, I’m looking for car insurance that isn’t going to break the bank. FLO: You’re in the right place! Only Progressive gives you the option to name your price. Here!…

No Competitive Advantage in Price War Brewing with Apple iPad and Hewlett-Packard Tablet

As highly-competitive manufacturers and retailers become lost in a sea of sameness in the eyes of consumers, it is up to the brand to catch the focus of consumers’ eyes and differentiate from competitors. Following the introduction of the Apple iPad, Hewlett-Packard began discussing setting prices on its anticipated PC version of a tablet to directly compete in price with…