Top Questions to Ask Before Developing a Marketing Campaign

How to Start Strategizing for Your Marketing Message and Campaign There are many components to successful advertising and marketing messages, but the most important is strategy. With all the clutter and noise in the marketing landscape, it’s more important than ever for companies to have a keen strategic focus behind every marketing message they send. You need to…

Number 1 Way to Differentiate From Competitors: Your Competitive Advantage

Why You Need to Develop Your “Elevator Pitch” We’ve all heard the concept of the “elevator pitch.” If you had 30 seconds riding in an elevator with someone who was crucial to the success of your business, and you had one chance to sell yourself, what would you say? How can you succinctly encapsulate the best attributes…

3 Biggest Reasons Why Companies Lose Their Competitive Advantage

Competitive advantages are not permanent. You need to continually adjust, adapt and evolve your competitive advantages and positioning to respond to changes in customer preference, challenges from competitors, and changes within the company itself. 3 Biggest Reasons Why Companies Lose Their Competitive Advantage – and What to do to Fix it.  1) Changes in Customer Preference Too many…

3 Methods to Replace Overused Clichés in Your Marketing Message

Let’s look at some of the biggest and most overused clichés in  marketing: “quality, value and service.” These are used far too often in marketing messages for all kinds of companies. It gets to the point where the messages and even the words themselves can become interchangeable. The next three marketing taglines are just ones I made up on…