Competitive Advantage • marketing • SALES • OPERATIONS • differentiation

Full Organizational Alignment

95% Get it Wrong!

Stop guessing!!  The Smart Advantage process involves double-blind surveys of customers and prospects to learn what most influences their buying selections.  Then, Smart Advantage works with your organization to assure you develop operational measures that track your performance relative to what customers value most.  Once those measures prove you excel, then your marketing and sales messaging is shifted to tout your operational performance.  The result is complete alignment between what customer value, your operational performance, and how you communicate in sales and marketing.

Your organization will perform strongest, gain market share, and grow sales when there is full organizational alignment.  And it all starts by understanding what buyers value most.

When Smart Advantage asks its client what they believe most influences their current and potential buyers, and then compares those to what buyers actually say – 95% of the time they get it wrong.  And then when they learn what buyers really value, 85% admit they don’t measure or track performance to a top rated attribute. 

The power of learning what buyers most value in an organization is foundational to building a fully aligned organization.  You don’t randomly guess what’s importance, your customers tell you what is, and that’s what guides your efforts to achieve full organizational alignment.

Contact Smart Advantage to initiate the full organizational alignment process .