Competitive Advantage • marketing • SALES • OPERATIONS • differentiation

Full Engagement

Increase Profits by 10-40% by Aligning Your Sales Message With Your Market’s Demands

100% of operational decisions should rely on what your market values most. Improve margins and ROI, regularly by 10-40% within 12 months, by selling value rather than price.

The Smart Advantage Full Process is the most comprehensive of our marketing consulting services. Clients who commit to the Smart Advantage Full Process have regularly increased revenues by 10-40% within the first year of implementation. When you choose to undergo this process, a team of Advantage Consultant Experts (ACES) will guide your company through the following steps:

Circle desciption of full engagement

  1. Marketing/Sales Review & Analysis
    Evaluation of your current marketing/sales messaging, including review of key competitors and selection of target market(s)
  2. On-Site Drill Down Session
    This intensive, full-day session with your top executives and team members leads you to identify your company’s unleveraged competitive differentiators.
  3. Identify Unleveraged Competitive Advantage Opportunities
    As part of the Drill-Down Session, we will help you craft over 50 potential competitive advantages that serve as the basis for testing.
  4. Evaluate Testing Options
    We design a blind research questionnaire based on newly identified competitive advantage statements.  We obtain an unbiased view of what your customers and prospects value most when making a purchasing decision.  In this double-blind process, no one knows your company commissioned the study.
  5. Research Conducted & Analyzed: Working with a third-party market research firm, Smart Advantage analyzes the results and provides a comprehensive report and recommendations on how to approach your new messaging.
  6. Research Review & Implications
    Smart Advantage spends a full day onsite with your team to discuss the implications of the research results.  We help you identify strategic and operational changes, develop additional competitive advantage statements that align with the research results and provide communication techniques that will increase lead generation and close rates.
  7. Align Operations, Sales, and Marketing on Findings
    We work with your team to compile everything we’ve learned about your markets’ needs to validate your most powerful competitive advantages and develop concepts for marketing and sales campaigns.  This phase includes competitive analysis, strategic opportunities, and development of customized sales tools.
  8. Implementation in Sales Training
    Post-review consulting ensures the implementation of your new competitive advantage messaging.  Smart Advantage conducts onsite sessions to train your sales force in the techniques recommended to maximize your new competitive advantage statements in the sales encounter.

The Full Engagement will provide a valuable culture shift in conveying your company’s competitive advantages. Let us help your company develop a new hard-hitting message, with supporting operational metrics and accountability, that will maximize your sales and profits.

Inquire about what the Smart Advantage Full Process can do for my company