Fort Lauderdale, Florida – Smart Advantage marketing consultancy President Jaynie L. Smith’s book Creating Competitive Advantage remains within the top percentile of all books sold on and, and continues to inspire a variety of business professionals, as well as the strategies they apply to their company.
As the founder and President of Smart Advantage, Jaynie L. Smith and her company assist organizations in implementing the competitive advantage proprietary process, which outlines the basis in Creating Competitive Advantage. Smith frequently broadcasts on business radio and television interviews as an expert on helping organizations improve profit margins by the discovery and marketing of their competitive advantages.
Though Creating Competitive Advantage originally published in 2006, it recently had its 9th printing, proving it to be timeless. Even Business Blogs have picked up on how valuable the book is, and have noted it as providing understandable imperatives for organizations seeking to discover where they rise above their competition., a blog “Celebrating Nantucket Women in Business”, highlights Creating Competitive Advantage and emphasizes Chapter 7, “Dangerous Disparity: The Gap between What You Assume about Your Customers and What They Really Think” as a chapter worth earmarking and revisiting. Smith discusses ways in which an organization – intentionally or unintentionally – creates a disconnection with their customers. From strange verbiage and focusing on features that lack importance, to false promises and no consideration of the advantages each product or service provides, these common mistakes are discussed and broken down in real, detailed case studies from a variety of well-known named organizations. “Every sentence is packed full of examples, ideas and case studies that you will want to learn something from” states the administrator of the blog.
In closing Chapter 7, Smith advises ways in which an organization can better understand what the customer wants, while accurately reading consumer behaviors. discusses strategic takeaways from Creating Competitive Advantage, with great attention to the direct relation in how a misguided quick-fix of competing via cutting prices is akin to cutting your business’ throat. A business needs to find what traits and services makes it truly unique from its competitors, and “if you compete on price and keep cutting your margins, you’ll join a whole lot of other lemmings in the race over the cliff… to the bottom of the heap.”
About Smart Advantage, Inc.
Smart Advantage, Inc. is a consultancy founded by Jaynie L. Smith, author of the best-selling business book Creating Competitive Advantage (Doubleday, 2006). Based on more than 20 years experience with Fortune 500 companies and over 35,000 hours of CEO coaching, Ms. Smith outlines a process for companies to understand, uncover, define, research, and edit their competitive advantages. Smart Advantage has refined, expanded, and licensed this process and consults with companies from Fortune 500 to mid-size and small firms. To learn more, visit Smart Advantage at or contact Brian Neff at [email protected].